Order of Mass

Attending Mass


At the Bishops’ Conference in Cardiff last week, the Bishops voted unanimously to reinstate the obligation on Catholics to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. This will take effect on Pentecost Sunday. “…our fundamental Christian duty is to worship God by participating in the celebration of Mass. Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is the greatest of all privileges, sometimes referred to as “the Sunday Obligation.” 

Please consider to take a Lateral Flow before Mass, respect the people who choose to wear masks by keeping your distance and to stay away if you have COVID symptoms.  Please continue to use hand sanitisers. Thank you.

Mass will still be live streamed via YouTube and our website’s live page.


Thank you to everyone for your co-operation in trying to keep each other safe during the pandemic.

Over the past few weeks you will have noticed that the  church is slowly returning to normal. This weekend we will be reintroducing the collection and the offertory procession. The wearing of masks in church will now be your decision. Please do respect anyone who still wishes to wear one. Tea and coffee will also returning on a Saturday evening. If you would like to be on the rota please let the office know.

Thank you for your continued support for our church community, and may God bless you and your families and keep you well and safe.

Please contact the Parish Office with questions or concerns.

