Reflections on a Pilgrimage to Lourdes
What makes Lourdes so special and makes me want to return year after year is so very difficult to put into words. Lourdes is quite literally like ‘a little taste of heaven’.
Theresa Mahon
What makes Lourdes so special and makes me want to return year after year is so very difficult to put into words. Lourdes is quite literally like ‘a little taste of heaven’.
Theresa Mahon
“We were truly blessed and felt God’s love and support for us and the children all week.” Brita Good morning, I certainly didn’t expect to be speaking to you all again so soon, but Father thought it would be nice for you to hear how our first Caritas Holiday clubContinue Reading
On Saturday 6th, July we celebrated Thy Kingdom Come in a way that felt uniquely “Sacred Heart”. We painted rocks, wrote prayers on special cards impregnated with seeds, received blessings from Father Paul and then planted everything in a special flowerbed at the front of the Church.Father Paul then blessedContinue Reading
Peter’s Pence represents a small offering, accompanied by grand desires and visions. It is an offering that each member of the faithful decides to give to the Pope so that he can provide for the needs of the entire Church, especially in those places where the Church experiences greater difficulties. “FromContinue Reading
Saturday July 6 – 2.00 -4.00PM What is this event about? We would like to invite you and your family to an afternoon of community fun, prayer and creativity where we will paint beautiful stones to mark our freshly planted prayers (written on cards impregnated with seeds). With each passingContinue Reading
Latest Message This month, October 2019, has been designated by the Holy Father as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. It is a month of renewal, in which the Pope calls us to rededicate ourselves as missionary disciples spreading the Good News. There’s a also a nod to a certain teenageContinue Reading
Bishop Philip sends his blessing to us all for Easter. Father Paul and Father Chris also wish you all joy and abundant blessings for Easter and wish to thank everyone who has helped to make the Holy Week services complete: the altar servers, choir, church cleaners, Eucharistic Ministers, flower arrangers,Continue Reading
Father Paul invites us to “dig a little deeper” this Lent. Just as Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert for 40 days – we too must look to Jesus for the areas of our lives that could use a little “spring cleaning“. In the words of PopeContinue Reading
Message from Father Paul Thank you to everyone for the many generous gifts, cards, ‘Christmas Cheer’ and good wishes – your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. God bless you all this Christmas Season and throughout the coming year. May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts and in your homes.Continue Reading
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