As we continue our celebration of the Christmas season, we observe today the great Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The word “epiphany” means manifestation and throughout the Christmas readings we have seen that the newborn King is eager to reveal Himself to all those willing to accept His presence in their lives. From poor and humble shepherds to the international group of magi featured in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus makes it clear that He offers Himself as a gift to everyone.

We also see throughout the scriptures that God uses what is familiar to us to draw us to Himself. In the case of the magi – astrologers – He uses a star.

Our Lord continues to speak to each one of us today. But we must be alert to “hear” and “see” Him in our daily lives. How can we become better attuned to the ways God is speaking to us? We must strengthen our spiritual “senses” by spending time with the Lord in prayer every single day. In the same way that we set professional goals or exercise goals, we can set spiritual goals to ensure that we are taking the time to listen intentionally to God daily. When we establish a regular, intentional time for prayer, we will find that the Lord continues to speak to us throughout the day. We will more easily recognise the “stars” He places before us to draw us into closer relationship with Him. We will begin to see that He is indeed present in our lives at every moment.
Taken from The Catholic

How has our Lord been speaking to you lately? Let us know in the comments.