At Sacred Heart we are blessed to have a modern church but the building still requires maintenance in order to keep it in good repair for our parish.
As we are part of the Diocese of Portsmouth, it’s also our duty to contribute towards the good works of the diocese too, including spreading the gospel, supporting our Cathedral, funding the important work of safeguarding vulnerable people, maintaining our schools so that a Catholic education is available for our children, assisting other parishes that are struggling financially and so on.
We don’t get external funding to do all this work. Most of our income comes from you through the weekly collections. If we are to keep on maintaining our churches and supporting good causes, we need your help.
What is gift aid?
Gift Aid is a scheme allowing charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, meaning your donations will be worth 25% more to the cause at no extra cost to you. If you Gift Aid your donations we can claim back from the government 25p for every £1 you donate to the Church and the other charities that the Parish supports.
Money recovered from the taxman through this scheme forms a vital part of our annual income.
Joining the scheme is very simple and straightforward, requiring little effort on your part.
All you have to do is:
– Be an income tax payer
– Download and sign a very short Gift Aid Declaration
– make your future donations either by standing order, direct debit or by cash/cheque in the offertory plate, using envelopes that we supply
– return your completed forms to the parish office
If you were able to join the Scheme, we and the other charities that the Parish supports would be very grateful.
Planned giving for non-UK taxpayers
If you are not an income tax payer you can still join our planned giving scheme using standing orders, direct debits or envelopes.
if you have any questions, please email
Thank you for your help.