Thank you to all those who participated in the survey. We have compiled your replies into a summary which you will find below. Where possible, we have also included scoping ideas for the implementation of your submitted suggestions. The original questions are highlighted in red and the Pastoral Parish Council (PPC) responses are in blue. If you are interested in volunteering or getting involved with any initiatives, please do reach out to us at
Best wishes from the PPC
Parish Results Summary
We received 42 completed questionnaires.
75% of the respondents were aged over 45 years.
No youths completed the Parish Survey Form.
Q1 – Priorities for the Church and the PPC to pursue
A) The Church as a community was mentioned by 22 people (52%) respondents
- We always aim to be a welcoming church and have introduced and distributed a Welcome leaflet, copies of which are available in the church foyer.
- In 2021 a Parish Handbook will be introduced containing key information. Copies of which will be available in the church foyer.
- Since the formation of the PPC we have hosted: a special Mass event with the Carmelites and a Prayer Rocks weekend where painted stones and prayers were planted in the garden. Due to Covid, many events have had to be cancelled so we hosted many online events instead and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
- In the new year, a Social Committee will be formed and led by members of the PPC. Our aim is to explore the possibility of hosting social events such as; church picnics, church fetes and coffee mornings. If you are interested in participating please reach out to the PPC at this email address:
- Our Care Group which contains Eucharistic Ministers for the sick and housebound, will continue their work once Covid restrictions have been lifted.
- In the new year a Social Outreach Programme will be launched. It will be led by Helena Ranson and Theresa Mahon. The Community Outreach Group is a team of parishioners whose mission is to provide care, assistance and friendship to those in need (including phone calls) and looks at how we engage with our community. We are looking for volunteers if you wish to be part of the group.
- Mass will continue to be live-streamed. The parish recently received a grant from the Diocese to purchase a permanent camera, which will be installed in the New Year.
B) Prayer and faith mentioned by 13 people (~ 30%)
- Online Children’s Liturgy will continue most weeks after Sunday Mass.
- Online courses will continue to be provided in the new year – so keep checking our website and Facebook for the latest news. We have programmes such as Alpha, Called and Gifted and CAFÉ, all in the pipeline.
- When “normality” resumes we hope to start half an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before Saturday evening Mass.
- A Union of Catholic Mothers group will be established once it is feasible to do so.
- We aim to have a regular Q+A forum via the website and social media where you can ask questions and discuss any points around Scripture or the Homily in consultation with Fr Paul, thereby allowing us to deepen our faith and understanding.
C) Young people and children mentioned by 11 people i.e. (~25%)
We need to provide opportunities for teenagers to become more engaged.
- Currently online Children’s Liturgy is offered weekly and will continue.
- The First Holy Communion programme will be offered.
- Maggie Wood and others are involved with “Open the Book” and attend infant schools weekly to read and re-enact stories from the Bible.
- Blog posts and podcasts will be actively promoted including videos by Fr. Michael Schmitz a renowned Catholic Priest focusing on youth evangelisation.
- We are exploring the idea of having a monthly Youth Mass.
- A youth choir and music group will be formed to encourage parish involvement.
- Based on sufficient interest, a Youth Bible Study Group will be formed.
- We are looking to purchase updated hymn books and have a couple of songs that are more upbeat and modern, mixed in with the traditional hymns so we avoid isolating other groups of parishioners.
- Mike Coleman will be continuing his youth gardening project.
D) Pastoral activities mentioned by 11 people (~ 25%)
- The Social Outreach Programme will work on how we engage with the local community and local churches. So if you want to get involved and volunteer for coffee mornings and social activities, do let us know –
- The Social Justice and Peace Project is a Diocesan initiative designed to support justice for all God’s people, particularly the poor. This initiative is led by Grania Egan and here is the link to find out more:
- All the projects we are planning will be open to everyone so if you are interested in volunteering for anything please do let us know.
- We are exploring the feasibility of having a permanent shop at the back of church if there are enough volunteers to help run it with Cecilia.
- Unfortunately we are unable to do anything regarding the size of the church, church halls or car park so we have to manage as best we can. If needs be we will introduce Wardens and Stewards to help.
- We hope to hold a special Mass / Memorial once everything has settled down and we have returned to “normality”.
- Online streaming of Mass will be continuing and a new permanent camera will be purchased in the new year.
E) The PPC was mentioned by 7 people (~15%)
- PPC Members will rotate. We have all signed up to serve for at least two years.
- Copies of minutes and details on the PPC are all on the website –
- The PPC are always open to feedback and ideas but YOU have to be the one to reach out to us. We can be contacted by email – or seek one of us as we are always around at coffee.
Q2 – What events/ activities/programmes would you like to see offered to enable you to be more engaged in Church life?
- Social Activities – 33%
- Called &Gifted – 18%
- Bible Studies – 15%
- Alpha – 12%
- Ananias – 6%
- Pilgrimages – 6%
- Modern Music – 7%
- Bereavement Support Group – 3%
- Social activities are being considered by the Social Committee.
- In 2019-2020 we hosted Bible studies, Ananias, About Being Catholic, CAFÉ Courses and more. We are planning ALPHA and Called and Gifted for 2021.
- The Social Outreach Programme will look to offer any bereavement support required.
- Modern music is covered in the earlier points.
Q3 – Already helping in the Community
15 parishioners are currently active in the Church (PPC, cleaners, readers, stewards, extraordinary ministers, IT, courses).
12 parishioners are active in the wider community: Foodbank, Homeless, Caritas, Night Shelter, Open the Book, Bible study.
14 parishioners do not volunteer and gave the following reasons: Young families, work commitments, lacking time, but would help financially.
We are always looking for volunteers. As Christians, we are called to live by example. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19 “to go and make disciples.” The only way to bring people to Christ is to be like Jesus. Through Jesus’ actions and words, He showed kindness, goodness, and patience towards His disciples and those around Him.
Q4 – Special talents and interested in volunteering in one of the ministries:
There were 42 respondents (100%), including those who are already volunteering:
- Welcoming/stewarding – 8 (number of present volunteers)
- Cleaning rota – 5
- Music/choir – 6
- Reading – 12
- Catechists – 5
- Extraordinary ministers – 2
- Care group – 2
- Prayer garden – 0
- Legal advice – 1
- Providing Courses – 1
- Maintenance 1
- Schools rep -1
- No talents – 4
In addition, there were 6 anonymous responses saying they are already volunteering.
We will be reaching out to those who expressed an interest in the survey to volunteer to be readers, Extraordinary Ministers etc.
In addition, we will be running Called and Gifted in the new year. Each of us is created uniquely by God, in our time and place, for a purpose. When we understand and allow ourselves to be aligned with that purpose we are energised and fulfilled; and God’s love and provision is able to flow more freely exactly where it is needed, through our spiritual gifts (charisms). Called and Gifted is the discernment process that helps us unlock our story, understand our gifts (charisms) and discover our unique mission. Once you have discerned your gifts we will continue to support you by providing you with opportunities to discern deeper, those gifts.
Q5 -How can we encourage young people to attend Church and engage with the faith?
The breakdown of results (from the 36 responses) is set out below:
- Updating hymns & music/ liturgical changes – 48%
- Youth Activities – 10%
- Social Media – 7%
- Priest pastoral intervention – 7%
- Alpha Course – 4%
- Please see our response in Q1C plus:
- Mike Coleman will be looking to continue with his youth gardening project.
- Alpha Course will commence in the New Year.
- Social Media – we already are utilising a number of social media platforms, so come and follow us. We currently have 500+ followers on Facebook and 85+ followers on Instagram.
Q6 & Q7 – Communicating with the Parishioners
In general, you were happy with the Newsletter and Website and E-Newsletter.
- We will be actively promoting blog posts, podcasts and Michael Schmitz videos to attract the younger generation.
- We have continuously updated the website with content provided by our parishioners. If you want to hear more about something or read a piece for example, on altar servers or flower arrangers etc, please submit your article and ideas to Dan at The website is for all of us so let us utilise it.
Q8 – Online Mass – Have you enjoyed having access to online Mass? Would you like to see the live streaming of Mass continue even after we return to Church?
The 42 responses (100%) almost unanimously reflect a YES to the this question (one person said no).
Streaming of online Mass will continue and in the new year we hope to implement the new permanent camera and look to see how we can improve sound quality.
Q9 – Reflections on the Homily – Would you find it beneficial to have an opportunity to learn more, ask questions and discuss how the week’s readings or homily spoke to you?
Yes: 56%, Maybe: 23%, No: 21%
We are still exploring this to see how and if it is possible to implement. We may have a Q+A section where it’s more of a discussion forum with input from all of us. See further efforts under Q1B.
Q10, 11, 12, 13 – The present level of satisfaction of parishioners, as measured by the answers to questions 10, 11, 12 & 13 is remarkably high, except for promoting and providing service to others inside/outside the Parish where 10% of Parishioners believe we could improve on our efforts in this regard.
We are hoping with all the initiatives we are proposing for 2021, that this will enable each of us to grow, not only in our relationship with each other but also our faith, that we are able to strengthen our relationship with our Lord. Our mission as a parish council is “bringing people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church“. We wish to serve Sacred Heart Church and its people by acting as your voice to bring about positive change within the parish and grow our Catholic Community.
If you wish to review the full survey in detail this can be accessed here :-
Thank you and God bless,